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Games News \ Diablo 3 will appear on consoles
Diablo 3 will appear on consoles
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Diablo 3 will appear on consoles

Once three graduates of the University of California Los Angeles decided to form his own company to produce computer games.

Once three graduates of the University of California Los Angeles decided to form his own company to produce computer games. Importantly, they said - the games are super and release them was a joy. Thus was born the studio Silicon & Synapse, which three years later was renamed Blizzard Entertainment. Its games are known and loved by millions of people around the world. And we could not help but congratulate Mike Morheyma, Allen Adham and Frank Pearce on behalf of all of our users. Happy anniversary you! To celebrate the event, the founders of the studio Blizzard launched a mini-site. Soon there will appear a variety of interviews, photo galleries and much more. Well, now get down to business. Publisher Activision has not yet confident that this year, Blizzard will release at least one game. Bobby Kotick, we are sincerely sorry for you. But we must say, by themselves, and not hoping for a miracle. Therefore, the statement Activision CFO Thomas Tippla was for all of us a real surprise: `In 2012, will launch at least two projects studio BlizzardВ». Of course, we are talking about Diablo 3 and StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm. But what does `at least`? Maybe the fourth addition to the World of Warcraft? Or a new MMO? Guess we will not, Blizzard has always been famous for its unpredictability. In the meantime, Activision felt the money, Mike Morheym all said that details of the beta testing Diablo 3 will be available in May. Actually, what concerns most of Diablo 3. From idea to release the game on consoles, developers do not give up, but still prefer to work with personal computers because of their `flexibility`. Chapter Blizzard gave his opinion on this point: `I think you can argue with me that Diablo 3 will look great on the consoles. But to understand whether all this is at least some sense, we need to do some research `. Obstacles to be faced by Blizzard, if you still decide to release the game on consoles will be mass. But the studio, rather vego, ready to difficulties. It is no wonder that Mike Morheym nodded in agreement when he was asked, will the Diablo 3 very easy to port a game released by Blizzard

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