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Games News \ HTC became a shareholder OnLive
HTC became a shareholder OnLive
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HTC became a shareholder OnLive

Cloud Services OnLive continues to attract big investors willing to invest in promising technology to turn into a gaming platform, even the weakest netbook.

Cloud Services OnLive continues to attract big investors willing to invest in promising technology to turn into a gaming platform, even the weakest netbook. Last year, British Telecommunications and Belgacom Group invested in the development of OnLive $ 60 million, and now the service has appeared, and another major partner. It has recently become known that the share of the OnLive bought by HTC - one of the leading manufacturers of smartphones based on Windows Phone 7 and Google Android. Buying shares has cost investors about $ 40 million. Experts believe that the deal will help HTC to strengthen its position in the segment of mobile gaming, where the competition have intensified after the Xperia Play, Nintendo 3DS, and Sony NGP. It is possible that over time, HTC will release a special apparatus, it is sharpened by OnLive. Advertisement OnLive previously have repeatedly stated that they were ready to broadcast on smartphones, and phones are not only games but also all kinds of videos. At the same time HTC will not have to endlessly increase the productivity of machines, because the processing and video games will take place on servers OnLive, and the user will receive on the web only a ready-made image. Tags: OnLive

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