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Games News \ StarCraft II: All server Unite
StarCraft II: All server Unite
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StarCraft II: All server Unite

Finally, the residents of our region will be able to play with European gamers

If you have friends starkraftery in Europe, but you can not play with them in SCII because Blizz has driven all Russian players in the ghetto through the fault of regional restrictions, then we have good news. Beginning with the start of the third season (July 19) Blizz will connect with each other, some regions. Thus, Russia tie to Europe, the U.S. will connect with Latin America, Korea and Taiwan. Blizz says it promises players a number of advantages. In particular, the system will become more accurate matchmeykinga by expanding the audience, and creators of custom map will be happy for the same reason. The developers say that the connection regions will be unnoticed for most players. You only need to `log in, play and say` hello `to your new friends`

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