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Games News \ Beta testing of Battlefield 3 will begin in September
Beta testing of Battlefield 3 will begin in September
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Beta testing of Battlefield 3 will begin in September

Players who last fall purchased a special edition of first-person shooter Medal of Honor Limited Edition, recently received an email from DICE with news about the upcoming beta-test Battlefield 3. `Thank you for purchasing this edition Medal of Honor Limited Edition, which incl

Players who last fall purchased a special edition of first-person shooter Medal of Honor Limited Edition, recently received an email from DICE with news about the upcoming beta-test Battlefield 3. `Thank you for purchasing this edition Medal of Honor Limited Edition, which included a key to participate in the beta test Battlefield 3. We will begin testing in September this year and you still are in the list of players who get early access to beta-test `. Currently, developers are testing the alpha version, and network regularly leaked from her new commercials, one of which is presented below. Battlefield 3 is expected to yield 25 October 2011

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