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Games News \ Console Counter-Strike Global Offensive released without beta
Console Counter-Strike Global Offensive released without beta
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Console Counter-Strike Global Offensive released without beta

Despite the fact that the new draft Counter-Strike Global Offensive is a multiplatform, Valve does not want to do beta testing on the consoles. `It`s not too good model to start the beta, this beta, on consoles

Despite the fact that the new draft Counter-Strike Global Offensive is a multiplatform, Valve does not want to do beta testing on the consoles. This was reported by an employee of Falishek Chet (Chet Faliszek). `It`s not too good model to start the beta, this beta, on consoles. Other console betas are more like promotional demo `. `We want to say that we`re going to do the beta, which will be constantly changed and updated based on feedback from players`

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