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Games News \ Release Date Wizardry Online
Release Date Wizardry Online
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Release Date Wizardry Online

Whoever put Wizardry Online (PC) В«top ten,` in the game PlayGround. ru, rejoice now! Now is your finest hour! Open beta multiplayer rolevki, which is timed to start the thirtieth anniversary of the cult series, will be launched on October 7. Whoever put Wizardry Online (PC) В«top ten,` in the game PlayGround. ru, rejoice now! Now is your finest hour! Open beta multiplayer rolevki, which is timed to start the thirtieth anniversary of the cult series, will be launched on October 7. In order to take part in

Whoever put Wizardry Online (PC) В«top ten,` in the game PlayGround. ru, rejoice now! Now is your finest hour! Open beta multiplayer rolevki, which is timed to start the thirtieth anniversary of the cult series, will be launched on October 7. In order to take part in the OBT, you need a basic knowledge of Japanese language and developed intuition. Apply only through the official site of the game, being a full member of the forum. Of publication in the magazine Famitsu has learned that in Wizardry Online will be five races - humans, elves, Pocar, dwarves and standards. They also found that the release of the draft will be held in May next year. New products will be distributed by the `original` model of free-to-play with the mandatory purchase of the customer. In other words, pay ВҐ 3990 (around $ 50) receive thirty days of premium subscription, and after that decide to renew it or not. Anyone who agrees to pay a monthly fee, get access to an expanded inventory, unique items of clothing and all sorts of bonuses in the form of XP-boosts. And to avoid any unnecessary issues in a spirit of `why it`s necessary?`, We recall the main feature of Wizardry Online. If your character dies, during pumping, or in a battle with another character, you have to create a new. So various `enhancers` will fall here can be very useful. Unfortunately, all the details of the project, we do not know, so to say for sure what will come of all this, we can not. But you will agree, it sounds like at least it is tempting. All the more so with the release of Wizardry Online Series officially returns to the West. After completing a cycle of eight games in the year 2001, the once PC-exclusive with a long history, which became one of the first videoadaptatsy universe Dungeons and Dragons, was closed in Japan. Resource VG24 / 7 asserts that for the last ten years in the Land of the Rising Sun was released about forty projects under the label of Wizardry. About who will follow the localization and publishing news in the West, Gamepot tell us a little later

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