Servers Star Wars: Galaxies will go into offline
Company Sony Online Entertainment has officially announced that the massively multiplayer online game servers Star Wars: Galaxies, which was launched nearly eight years ago, disconnect December 15, 2011. Executive Direct
Company Sony Online Entertainment has officially announced that the massively multiplayer online game servers Star Wars: Galaxies, which was launched nearly eight years ago, disconnect December 15, 2011. Executive Director, Sony Online Entertainment John Smedley (John Smedley) in an interview with Massively, said that it was a business decision made jointly SOE and LucasArts. The fact that the agreement signed by the two companies, completes its operation in 2012, and published last year, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures and The Old Republic coming do further maintenance of servers Star Wars: Galaxies in working condition is not very reasonable. Smedley added that all the developers who worked on Star Wars: Galaxies, switch to other projects - cuts due to the shutdown of servers will not be