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Games News \ Psychedelia Limbo will be released on PS3 and PC
Psychedelia Limbo will be released on PS3 and PC
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Psychedelia Limbo will be released on PS3 and PC

Good news for fans of psychedelic platformer. Good news for fans of psychedelic platformer. Project Limbo, received very good reviews on the Xbox 360, will also on PS3 and PC, as officially announced CEO Dino Patti PlayDead (Dino Patti), confirming the long ears who went on the internet. The game uses a digital FPIC

Good news for fans of psychedelic platformer. Project Limbo, received very good reviews on the Xbox 360, will also on PS3 and PC, as officially announced CEO Dino Patti PlayDead (Dino Patti), confirming the long ears who went on the internet. The game uses a digital distribution method, so look for it to be on Steam, and PSN. But when exactly this happens is still unknown

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