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Games News \ Windows 8 will be able to run games for X360 to PC
Windows 8 will be able to run games for X360 to PC
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Windows 8 will be able to run games for X360 to PC

oyavilis unbelievable rumors about the compatibility of X360 and Windows 8. The network has an incredible ear, saying that Windows 8 will be the full program is compatible with the X360 and Xbox Live: players can go to my profile Live from under the OS, but most importantly - they will be able to run games on my X360 PC, running Windows

The network has an incredible ear, saying that Windows 8 will be the full program is compatible with the X360 and Xbox Live: players can go to my profile Live from under the OS, but most importantly - they will be able to run games on my X360 PC, running Windows 8. This information resource is reported unnamed sources Teknylate. True, just insert the disk into your computer and will not be able to play. Sources say that such a function would be paid and it is unclear whether in the form of gold subscription to Live, or some sort of a separate payment. It is also reported that cross-pleya between X360 and Windows 8 will not, allegedly due to the different controllers, but it sounds quite crazy. In this case, Microsoft will have to alter the control system for a large number of games for the X360. Given a number of supports console controller, without it you could have done. But suppose it is true, and Windows 8 will be able to actually run the game for X360. In this case kulhatskery the next day will be on hand ready emulator X360, which can run pirates. However, holders stitched X360 game and so did not buy in Live as a rule do not go out (and after the last update, so at all), so Microsoft on these pirates will not lose anything special. Hard to believe that the license holder X360 c subscribed to Live suddenly wants to play pirates on Windows 8. In any case, the percentage of such people would be relatively small. Microsoft has not commented on these rumors

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