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Games News \ PHOTO: Top 5 most anticipated games of the summer
PHOTO: Top 5 most anticipated games of the summer
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PHOTO: Top 5 most anticipated games of the summer

This ranking - five of the most anticipated games for the PC this summer. It met a really hot company. Summer is in full swing, it`s time to sunbathe and swim. But if on vacation and you do not light sweet without her beloved computer, do not worry, game developers have something to please you in the following

This ranking - five of the most anticipated games for the PC this summer. It met a really hot company. Summer is in full swing, it`s time to sunbathe and swim. But if on vacation and you do not light sweet without her beloved computer, do not worry, game developers have something to please you in the next six weeks. We have selected the most interesting and anticipated PC-releases this summer and placed them in order of increasing expectations. Call of Juarez: The Cartel The Cartel - a third of a series of games about criminal Mexican town of Ciudad Juarez. That`s just the events of the game, this time taking place in the modern world. Recall that the earlier parts of the story is set during the game of cowboys and Indians. The game is a full-blooded first-person shooter with a Hollywood story and vivid characters. The new story will hold a player from Los Angeles to Ciudad Juarez, across Arizona and New Mexico. We will shoot from more than 30 types of weapons and, reportedly, will go on transport. By the way, without having to get on the counters, the game has already managed to cause a little scandal. The City of Juarez (in fact, most criminal city in Mexico), demanded that the Mexican government to ban The Cartel in the country. Purpose of the requirement - to protect children even from virtual violence because they see so the crime on the streets of his native city every day. Orcs Must Die! Orcs Must Die - the most unexpected game of the summer. Developer - Robot Entertainment - define its genre as an arcade shooter strategic. The player`s task to defend the castle, besieged by hordes of orcs continuously. To cope with such an army of personal weapons lone warrior, of course, is not enough. But who said that `there is safety in numbers`? After all, we should have a trap. We can arrange on your own artful arrangements of spikes and blades. They will leave from the orc invaders wet spot! In the game, essentially, no plot, and he did not want. The main task - to make the largest possible number of orcs in a bloody mess and do not miss a single home in the castle. `Do not lead negotiations with them. Do not try to keep them alive. You must kill all the orcs! `3. Torchlight 2 Since 15 years ago, Blizzard released to light Diablo, the game genre ARPG out with enviable regularity. Some succeed, some - there is no. Torchlight game was created from scratch came from divisions of the company Blizzard North - the same one that took part in the development of Diablo 2. In Torchlight, an excellent game, tailored to the canons of the genre, was exactly one drawback: the lack of NSA. It is this shortcoming is to fill the second part of the history about the godforsaken town of Torchlight, in caves dug in the evil under which the. Here, everything just the way we like: character classes, lots of monsters to `zaklikivaniya` evil bosses, mountains coveted `loot` and, of course, multi-storey underground. But this time in the game and open locations: forests, mountains and deserts. Besides, now it`s all available for passing a joint with friends. Serious Sam 3: BFE for the last time we saw Serious Sam - the main hero of `meat` ekshena about guns and a lot of cool alien invasion - as much as 6 years ago. And if you do not omit a very successful second part of the game, it turns out that the advent of the new we`ve been waiting the whole 9 years - so much time has passed from the output of Serious Sam: Second Encounter. Despite the early release of the game is not very much is known. There are some spectacular shots, even scraps of information from interviews with developers. Do not even know how to actually stands for the name - although there are rumors that the acronym means В«Before First EncounterВ». The key formula of gameplay SS will not go away: a lot of guns + a lot of `meat` of the protagonist + charisma u003d Serious game. And as a condiment developers have prepared a cool surprise: the co-op at 16 (!) People. Deus Ex: Human Revolution New Deus Ex - the most anticipated gaming event of the summer. We have been waiting for this game for years. Here we are waiting for dark yellow-black world of the future in the style of cyber-punk: the world of skyscrapers and high-tech implants, the present invention are very divisive in two. In the third part of the game, as in the previous promise of a nonlinear transmission and the freedom to choose your playing style, the scope for decision-making and complex system of character development, plot, and powerful, of course, stunning style, reminiscent of cult novels by William Gibson. Here we communicate a lot with other characters, develop skills, skulk participate in noisy skirmishes, and, of course, regularly make difficult decisions

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