ArmA III were threatened national security of Greece
Officials said the Greek island of Lemnos, that the shooter ArmA III harms the reputation of the island and threatens his safety. According to the newspaper, the head of the local municipal Owl
Greek authorities Lemnos complained that their island was in the game ArmA III, reported Agence France-Presse, with reference to a local newspaper Eleftherotypia. In their view, it harms the reputation of Lemnos and threatened the security of its. According to the newspaper, the head of the local municipal council Adamidis Costas (Costas Adamidis), Lemnos security threatened by what the game showcased in high definition `specific areas` of the island, which must remain secret. Mayor Anthony Hattsidiamantis Lemnos (Antonis Hatzidiamantis) said that he can not even imagine how their island, `a place of peace and building`, `will be the scene of violence `. The mayor added that the authorities are obliged to protect the reputation of the city. What measures they intend to take, is not reported. According to the story ArmA III, on Lemnos planted by NATO troops, who must find and destroy the enemy where the company. Reportedly, in scenes that were released from the game developers Bohemia Interactive, you can see the Lemnos power station, a hotel and one of the cities. Realistic military shooter ArmA III was announced in early 2011. As reported, the official release will take place next summer. The project will be released exclusively on PC. The game takes place in Western Europe, which for several years at war with the East. At the beginning, NATO began an operation whose aim is to transfer a group of soldiers and scientists on a small island in the Mediterranean. The game is created based on the engine Real Virtuality. This is not the first recent case where a video game causes outrage of local authorities. So, in June, the lower chamber of parliament in Tajikistan Davlatali Davlatzoda proposed a ban on tactical shooter Operation Flashpoint: Red River, which takes place in the country. Then the deputy called the game the result of `sick imagination of certain enemies of Tajikistan, who dream of that our country was in an abyss of permanent conflicts`