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Games News \ Paul Kyuise introduced horror Amy for PS3
Paul Kyuise introduced horror Amy for PS3
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Paul Kyuise introduced horror Amy for PS3

French creator Paul Kuise (Paul Cuisset), on account of which the classic platformer Flashback and action / adventure game Fade to Black, back in 2008, the year is sweet talked about his Napoleon`s plans to establish `an innovative game in a dying genre of survival horrorВ».

French creator Paul Kuise (Paul Cuisset), on account of which the classic platformer Flashback and action / adventure game Fade to Black, back in 2008, the year is sweet talked about his Napoleon`s plans to establish `an innovative game in a dying genre of survival horrorВ». In those days, untitled project was to visit the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. However, over three years, much has changed. Say, the crisis has eaten a lot of money, and finally Paul had to sacrifice two target platforms, yes poprizhat voracious ambitions of the project. Today Paul for a couple of his studio and publishing house VectorCell Lexis NumГ©rique announced the `horror` called Amy - at the moment it is created only for the PlayStation 3 and will be distributed through a virtual shop PSN. Release date - the second quarter of this year. So, imagine - the near future, December 2034-year. Global warming was not a joke, and someone else`s fiction, and dealt a powerful blow on the Earth`s climate. Because of a favorable environment for bacteria on the planet began to spread very quickly Disease, carrying away to another world of people in batches, and nature - literally every day irrigates the scourge of humanity devastating disasters and other misfortunes. Living in a small American town of Silver City is not much different from the lives-being in other locations zemshara. However, all changes dramatically after the city falls Comet. Soon, recovering a little after recovering from the shock, the main character Lana discovers that Silver City extends some weird virus that turns people into bloodthirsty monsters - even her family turned ugly, and hungry creatures myastsa. Lana and finds herself infected with the virus but unlike other people - completely refuses to turn into a monster and goes on a dangerous crusade for salvation, along the way with support from a small defenseless little girls named Amy. Together, they happen to wander through the ruined city, mired in chaos and despair, solve puzzles, meet with other survivors and to use the unique strengths that will appear in Lana in the mutations and which are ideally suited for self-defense. Amy will also be helping the heroine to save the remnants of humanity, by applying some a gift, and actively helping hand in solving puzzles. The only thing that Lana will have to defend Amy - monsters in the game are very clever and can find prey by smell, sound, and even left on the objects heat. While on the other hand - this opens a tactical scope for luring them into traps

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