See Tekken: Blood Vengeance in movies this summer
Namco Bandai formally presented to the public a brand new animated movie Tekken: Blood Vengeance in his press conference LevelUp, held in Dubai. Namco Bandai formally presented to the public a brand new animated movie Tekken: Blood Vengeance in his press conference LevelUp, held in Dubai. The solemn ceremony was accompanied by a pleasant announcement eardrums musical orgy that took place in a trailer. Immediately after such
Namco Bandai formally presented to the public a brand new animated movie Tekken: Blood Vengeance in his press conference LevelUp, held in Dubai. The solemn ceremony was accompanied by a pleasant announcement eardrums musical orgy that took place in a trailer. Immediately after such an impressive start Katsuhiro Harada, steering series Tekken, gathered the people together and has devoted all in the details of a `vendetta`. Joy`s number one - Blood Vengeance has no links with the cinematic misunderstanding which took Dwight Little, and generally is positioned as an attempt to `correct the mistakes of youth`. To be precise, the one big mistake - the creation of the notorious Tekken movie in the universe with live actors. Harada-san even jokingly asked those present `to forget` about the creation of Hollywood craftsmen. Fans of fighting games with 17-year veteran has long asked for Namco Bandai to make a full CG-painting the familiar three-dimensional fighters. It is always better if the screen Kazuya Mishima looks exactly like Kazuya Mishima, but not in a hurry made-up actor with the African-American roots. Production of Blood Vengeance for now and a half years of experience in studio Digital Frontier, best known by Resident Evil: Degeneration. Writer sits at a table Dai Sato - a man who is well known in the world of Japanese animation and put his hand to plot smears Cowboy Bebop, Eureka Seven, Ergo Proxy, and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. So, in terms of history filmets scheduled at least curious. Harada-san says that Namco Bandai gave Sato-san enough creative freedom to tutoshnyaya story could be interested as a huge fan of Tekken, and humans are not familiar with the series. Chronologically Blood Vengeance is located somewhere between Tekken 5 and Tekken 6. Well, in the director`s armchair settled Yoichi Mori - he was responsible for suggesting the introductory movies in the last two Tekken-projects. So do not worry, with the material he is very familiar. Tekken: Blood Vengeance, is now supplemented by compulsory stereoscopic 3D, go to conquer the Japanese and American cinemas this summer. Namco Bandai is now in blood and tears their toes trying to attract to the articulation of the characters in the film all the actors whose voices we hear in games. Immediately evident that the production of films the company fits very thoroughly. You bet! Provided that Tekken: Blood Vengeance will be warmly accepted by the people and gather good cash, Namco Bandai is ready to take on the creation of the TV series `based on`