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Games News \ Speedhunters: Recent Additions to Shift 2 Unleashed
Speedhunters: Recent Additions to Shift 2 Unleashed
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Speedhunters: Recent Additions to Shift 2 Unleashed

Announced second supplement to the draft Shift 2 Unleashed. DLC Speedhunters will add two new game modes (Standing Mile and Drag), six runs and seven cars (12 will be available immediately, and two more will be open). Dodge Challenger R / T Lexus LFA

Announced second supplement to the draft Shift 2 Unleashed. DLC Speedhunters will add two new game modes (Standing Mile and Drag), six runs and seven cars (12 will be available immediately, and two more will be open). List of cars is shown below. Dodge Challenger R / T Lexus LFA Mazda RX-7 (FC3S) McLaren MP4-12C Mercedes-Benz 190E 2

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