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Games News \ Torchlight already sold a million copies
Torchlight already sold a million copies
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Torchlight already sold a million copies

Creator of the popular `dyabloidaВ» Torchlight from the studio Runic Games proudly reported that total sales of all versions of the game exceeded 1 million. To overcome this mark helped the corresponding sharehold

Creator of the popular `dyabloidaВ» Torchlight from the studio Runic Games proudly reported that total sales of all versions of the game exceeded 1 million. To overcome this mark helped the corresponding shares of computer and console versions of the game in Steam and XBLA Deal of the Week, timed to celebrate American Independence Day. Initially, the game appeared on PC in October 2009, sales of this version a little more than six months after the release exceeded 500 thousand. Version for Mac OS X was released in May 2010 and in March this year, the game appeared to XBLA. Exit Torchlight II is expected this year

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