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Games News \ Magicka has already sold 200,000 copies
Magicka has already sold 200,000 copies
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Magicka has already sold 200,000 copies

During the first day of sales satirical shooter / RPG Magicka (PC) was able to disperse in an amount of 30 thousand copies, which already was overjoyed Paradox Interactive.

During the first day of sales satirical shooter / RPG Magicka (PC) was able to disperse in an amount of 30 thousand copies, which already was overjoyed Paradox Interactive. After such a strong start the game is not longer sold, but only began to gain momentum. Yesterday the Swedish publishing house has announced that during the first 17 days since the release of Magicka sold more 200,000 copies. Great result for small game, which many projects can only dream. Paradox Interactive announced that Magicka has already surpassed the financial terms of some of its games, and therefore the Swedes for a couple with the studio planning to release Arrowhead is not only patches, zalatyvayuschih bugs, but the DLC - among them are both paid naborchik happy and free. Just in time for the March GDC 2011 Developer going to announce something related to Magicka. In addition, Paradox Interactive plans to continue its partnership with the magicians of the Arrowhead, which is already working on their next game. Sequel Magicka? In such a sales - quite! If you do not know what kind of beast so this Magicka, you can familiarize yourself with our `reviews

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